Sunday, December 05, 2004

Home for the Holidays!

Source: Seventeen
By: Chinggay Labrador

Where will you be this Christmas?

Back home in Canada. I've been in the Philippines for two years now, but I always go home to celebrate the holidays. My family has the traditional Christmas feast where you gain 10 pounds in one sitting. We also exchange gifts. Then, after the usual formal party, I go out and celebrate with my friends.

What was your most memorable Christmas ever?

The year I found Santa wasn't real! I was in grade 2, and some punk-ass kid ruined everything for me. But I still tried to trick my parents into giving me all these gifts "from Santa Claus." I purposely put 10 to 15 Oreos by the Christmas tree even if I knew it wasn't really Santa who was eating them! I just wanted to make them pay, you know? The next morning, I got a note from "santa" saying he couldn't finish all the Oreos ' cause he still had all these houses to visit with all these cookies he had to it.

The best Christmas gift you've ever received?

An Xbox from my parents. I'm addicted to it! I'm really just a kid. I collect a lot of toys and set them up in elaborate scenes all over my room. I really like Gundam!

And what's on top of your wish list this year?

I already got it! My parents paid half of my 12" Powerbook (which I accidentally dropped!)

What do you enjoy more: Christmas or New Year?

New Year - isn't as formal as Christmas. I'm still in Canada when New Year rolls in, and we always have a party. I have dinner with my family, then I go out with friends, get drunk and watch DVDs - and hang out.

Any "must-dos" before the clock hits 2005?

I'd like to visit two more countries - Vietnam and maybe Bangkok. I lived in Singapore for a month, and my life there was all work and sleep - it wasn't a lot of fun. I love travelling especially when it's with people you know really well.

What do you want to do in the coming year?

Say "hi" to someone new everyday - someone I don't know. I also want to improve my physique, get involved in an outreach program, sponsor a child or join a charity.

We heard you love to gimmick. What do you think makes the "perfect" party?

The people, the vibe, and the music. I love hip-hop, house, and a little bit of techno, too. The perfect party woud be in a room, a hip-hop room - even a reggae room!

Where do you usually go clubbing?

Greenbelt, V Bar - and Temple 'cause my friend's a DJ there. It's also where most of my friends go. I go out with a huge group!

Any tips for throwing a cool party?

Keep it interesting. Make sure it's different. Throw in some drinking games for fun! You could play a little Truth or Dare, but not make it so kiddie by adding in some alcohol.

Ever met the worst party pooper ever?

That's got to be me! Whenever I go out with friends, I'm always going off by myself at one point. I think I'm no fun unless I'm drunk! But seriously, when you go out every night with the same group of people all the time, things can get boring. For me, the anticipation of going out is a lot more fun than the actual going out.

If you could throw the ultimate, sky's - the - limit bash, what would it be like?

It would be on a tropical island or Morocco - some place I hear a lot about but never have been to. It would be like one of those parties MTV throws. We'd be partying on a boat or on a cruise, with bottles of Cristal and lots of bling; I'd have a pierced ear, a pimp coat or fur jacket. And Puff Daddy would be there!

Any holiday messages for the Seventeen girls?

Make 2005 your year. Aim for the skies! If you don't make it, you'll at least end up on the moon instead of the dust!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...